Comtrend powerline manual

Step 1: Identify the current AP (access point) adapter. From your current adapters the one with the AP LED in green will be the AP adapter. Step 2: Reset the new Adapter to its factory settings: this is to make sure your new adapter is set as an EP (end point). Press the CONFIG/RESET button for 10 seconds.  · Initial Powerline Adapter Setup. NOTE: A minimum of two Powerline Adapters are required to create a connection. The following instructions will use the PGPT as the primary connection to connect to the Network Device (Modem, Router, or Access Point), however, any Comtrend Powerline Adapter can be used. This manual provides information related to the installation and operation of this device. The individual reading this manual is presumed to have a basic understanding of telecommunications terminology and concepts. If you find the product to be inoperable or malfunctioning, please contact technical support for immediate.

1. Plug the Powerline Adapter into the power outlet. Note: For maximum performance, please plug the Powerline Adapter directly into the wall outlet. Do not plug into a power strip or surge protector, as network performance could degrade significantly. 2. Connect the Powerline Adapter to a network device with an Ethernet (RJ) cable. Powerline Ethernet Adapter User Manual Version A, November 5, 2 Preface This manual provides information related to the installation and operation of this device. The individual in any form, or by any means without prior written consent of Comtrend Corporation. 1. The steps below show how to connect a PowerGrid unit to your modem. on your modem and wait for the Internet connection to become active. a PowerGrid unit into the power socket closest to the modem as in figure 1 (at right). The Status LED on the front panel of the unit should light up RED. 3.

Should you experience any problem using this procedure, please see Troubleshooting Guide in the DH10PF User Interface. Manual. DH10PF INTEGRATED OUTLET IS RATED. Maintenance free, simply plug and play after pairing them. Manual describes the process clearly and after the initial two are paired it takes about twenty. View online (25 pages) or download PDF (3 MB) Comtrend PGPT User manual • PGPT PowerLine network adapters PDF manual download and more Comtrend.


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