Riguardo a Cisco G. Consulta qui gratuitamente il manuale per il Cisco G. Il manuale rientra nella categoria Telefono DECT / VoIP ed è stato valutato da 1 persone con una media di Il manuale è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: Inglese. 3 Cisco IP Phone model type Indicates your Cisco IP Phone model. 4 Line or speed dial button Opens a new line or speed dials the number on the LCD screen. Phones in the Cisco IP Phone series have six line or speed dial buttons and phones in the series have two. 5 Base adjustment Allows you to adjust the angle of the phone base. View and Download Cisco Series user manual online. IP Phone. Series ip phone pdf manual download. Also for: series.
3 Cisco IP Phone model type Indicates your Cisco IP Phone model. 4 Line or speed dial button Opens a new line or speed dials the number on the LCD screen. Phones in the Cisco IP Phone series have six line or speed dial buttons and phones in the series have two. 5 Base adjustment Allows you to adjust the angle of the phone base. v Cisco SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide Contents CHAPTER 3 Managing Cisco SIP IP Phones Entering Configuration Mode Unlocking Configuration Mode Locking Configuration Mode Cisco IP Phone Models 79User Guide Preface Obtaining Technical Assistance Obtaining Technical Assistance Cisco provides www.doorway.ru as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from online tools. For www.doorway.ru
Guía de los teléfonos IP G yG de Cisco Unified para CiscoUnified Communications Manager (SCCP) User Guide y Cisco Unified Video. Véase el correspondiente manual. Para ajustar el contraste de la pantalla. Como en el teléfono IP Cisco G, puede ajustar el contraste. Cisco SIP IP Phone Model / User Guide. OL Chapter 3 Using the Cisco IP Phone / How to Use the Handset, Speakerphone, and Headset.