4 rows · (agency) (Government. Code. section and ) WHEREAS, the _____(hereinafter referred to. CalPERS Procedure Manual: CalPERS Annual Financial Report: New Agency (Safety) New Agency (Misc.) Agency New Category (Safety) Agency New Category (Misc.) Operations Summary: Quality Report: Judges Retirement System Law Judges Retirement System II Law Legislators Retirement System Law · Program Auditor, CalPERS Series California State Personnel Board Specification. Series established February 7, Scope. This series specification describes four levels used within the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) to assure that CalPERS' assets are safeguarded, that operating efficiency is promoted, and that compliance is maintained with laws and .
Definition of Series. Positions in this series examine organizational operations and internal and management controls, review organizational policies and procedures, conduct compliance audits of public agencies and other entities subject to audit by CalPERS, and evaluate resource utilization, program effectiveness, and organizational performance of CalPERS' operations and CalPERS' contractors. Public Agency Contract Information. T. o contract for retirement benefits with. CalPERS, an employer must be an agency or instrumentality of a State or a political subdivision of a State, under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section (d), an d meet the following definition of a "public agency" as defined by Government Code (Gov. Code). Circular Letters provide employers updates and information on changes to CalPERS policies, procedures, and programs. Refer to the reference and health guides for help with your CalPERS business transactions. View the Summary of Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of (PEPRA) (PDF) for CalPERS' interpretations on key areas of PEPRA and.
use the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) to administer 17 CalPERS Public Agency Schools Reference Guide - Benefits Procedures. 4 ott SB Imposes Increased Statutory Liability for CalPERS Reporting Errors. Share · SB was signed into law on Sept. 27, adding Government. 6 gen CalPERS EMHS, Public Agency Health Benefits Procedures Manual, page Finding 7: The City did not maintain Health Benefit Plan.