RADius Processing Unit Message types PSXRAD, ABBDP, Artemis, Fanbeam BCD / MDL NMEA VER, DDC WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS RADius Interrogator Unit kg, x x mm RADius Processing Unit kg, 88 x x mm Power and Connection Unit kg, 88 x x mm POWER SPECIFICATIONS. This manual contains the information necessary to install the RADius on a vessel. For all other product information, please consult the RADius User's Manual, reference [2]. Refer to the MS user manual, Kongsberg Mesotech document number , for detailed information on the full operation of the MS software. Operator Manual / 4. MS Stinger Monitoring System Overview. Adjust the radius of the alarm zone. Audible and Visual alarms will be triggered if the.
This manual contains the information necessary to install the RADius on a vessel. For all other product information, please consult the RADius User's Manual, reference [2]. KONGSBERG SEATEX 10 Typ. 85 RADius Installation Manual, rev. 5 Installation drawings RADius Interrogator, dimensions 35 Xref file: Projection: 38 65 Drawing no: Issued: Date: MA Rev. no: Approved: Checked: TRANSPONDER DIMENSIONS RADIUS Subtitle: Description Rev. Title: Bracket material. www.doorway.ru E-mail: www.doorway.ru@www.doorway.ru Telephone: +47 73 54 55 00 RADius Interrogator Several interrogators can be easily deployed on suitable places on the outside of the vessel. Each contains an-tenna elements - with an horizontal and vertical opening angle of 90°, a receiver, a transmitter and a signal pro-cessing front end.
While deaths due to heart disease have dropped in recent years, it remains the leading killer in America. Worst Habits for Your Heart How to Keep Your Heart Strong for the Rest of Your Life 6 Healthiest Berries for Women’s Hearts 12 Ways to. Often filled with jargon, acronyms, and directions that require a Ph.D to understand, software user manuals are sometimes written from the point of view of a developer rather than a user. As a result, the guide may make assumptions about th. Breathe easier with our open-airways guide to better workouts, less coughing and wheezing, and just maybe a longer life. Better workouts, less coughing and wheezing, even a longer life? Yep. Check out our open-airways guide. Getty Images In.