This manual is intended to cover the Intelect® Legend Ultrasound and Stim units and their accessories only. The purpose of this service manual is to give a qualified technician enough information to troubleshoot problems to the board level. Because of the complexity and construction of these boards it is not recommended thatFile Size: KB. Intelect advanced Standard accessories. Standard accessories included: •Patient data card (1) •5 cm applicator •Nylatex wrap, •Flexible electrodes and sponges 6x8cm (4) •Ultrasound gel, •CD user manual, •EMG and sEMG+Stim module (CC only), •Intravaginal probe (CC only) • 3 cm electrodes (CC only) ©. This manual contains the necessary safety, and field service information for those Field Service Technicians, approved by Chattanooga Group, to perform field service on the Intelect/Genisys Ultrasound Therapy Systems.
Chattanooga Intelect Advanced User Manual. The Intelect Legend Combo offers a new dimension in electrotherapy, combination and ultrasound treatments. This technology is made possible by advanced software design and digital signal processing. The result is a series of products with extraordinary versatility based on simplicity of operation. This manual has been written for the users of the Intelect Advanced Therapy Systems. It contains general information on the operation, precautionary practices, and maintenance information. Intelect advanced Standard accessories. Standard accessories included: •Patient data card (1) •5 cm applicator •Nylatex wrap, •Flexible electrodes and sponges 6x8cm (4) •Ultrasound gel, •CD user manual, •EMG and sEMG+Stim module (CC only), •Intravaginal probe (CC only) • 3 cm electrodes (CC only) ©.
Instructions for the Intelect Advanced Therapy System and its additional modules such as Module when connected to any unit other than Chattanooga. on all Intelect Advanced Therapy System units include: THIS IS NOT YOUR AVERAGE STIM OR COMBO Interferential. • Four Pole. • Manual Vector Scan. The unique modularity found in the Intelect Advanced Therapy System allows for easy Documentation of treatment outcomes with Patient Data Cards.