· GW Instek GPM (RS): A.C. Power Meter with RS Interface. Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, bpm it in, give it a second life. Studio City, California, United States. Add to Watch list Watching. The item may be a factory second, or a new and ihstek item with minor defects. Precipitation values are scaled by a factor of x10 (mm) for 30 minute, 3 hour, 1 day, 3 day and 7 day files, and are scaled by a factor of x1 (1mm) for 1 month files. Data access is also available via FTPS, click here for instructions. Only the most . The GPM is a low-cost, easy-to-use power measuring instrument. POWER METER USER MANUAL 6 3. SPECIFICATION VOLTAGE Range V, V, V, V, V, V, V, V total 8 ranges by auto-range or manual. Measurement Type True rms Input Resistance ¡Ù1M£[ Maximum Input Voltage V(peak), V(rms).
The Instek GPM AC Power Meter is a bit CPU microprocessor equipped with multifunction of full-digitized measurement, calibration and output. The microprocessor has the advantage of high -speed sampling and calculation function to accurately measure the distortion signal of waveform. The GPM is a bench-top power meter suitable for middle- to high-end application. Performance and functionality are maintained at the highest level as in maximum CT/PT ratio, high immunity to external noise, and true RMS voltage/current/power. GW Instek gpm User Manual. Read more about the condition. New other see details. Add to Watch list Add to wish list. The item you’ve selected wasn’t added to your basket. Redeem your points Conditions for uk nectar points – opens in a new window or tab. The seller won’t accept returns for this item.
Jul Appendix B: Setup Instructions for Unsupported Devices. For SPECpower, measurement results from the Instek GPM are only valid for. GPM USER MANUAL. GW INSTEK PART NO. 82PMMB. ISO CERTIFIED MANUFACTURER. This manual contains proprietary information, which is protected. Manuals. SPECS. LIVE. This Instek GPM AC Power Meter w/Opt. 01 is Brand and logos is for identification and/or reference purposes only and does not.