Girder Bridge Figure Typical Deck Sheathing Supports on a Concrete Box Girder Bridge Figure Stay-in-Place Metal Forming on a Precast Girder Bridge Figure Example of a Slab Bridge Figure Example of a Steel Girder Bridge Figure Example of a T-Beam Bridge Cranes Winch and Beam Launching Girder Erection Considerations Erection Tolerances Chapter5 -- .. Joints 48 General Cast-in-Place Joints Dry-Packed Joints Grouted Joints Match Cast Joints Epoxy Bonded Joints Selection of Epoxy Application of Epoxy. USER'S MANUAL FOR LRFD STEEL GIRDER DESIGN AND RATING (STLRFD) Version This page is intentionally left blank. USER'S MANUAL FOR COMPUTER PROGRAM STLRFD LRFD STEEL GIRDER DESIGN AND RATING VERSION Prepared by: Michael Baker International for Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
TIMBER BRIDGE MANUAL SECTION FOUR 1 4. TIMBER GIRDERS, DECKING AND SHEETING 1 4. 1 GENERAL 1 4. Scope 1 4. Objectives 1 4. Definitions 1 4. 2 STRUCTURE TYPES AND COMPONENTS 3 4. Traditional Timber Girder Bridges 3 4. Sawn Timber Girder Bridges 5 4. Timber Girder (and Stringer) Deck Systems 6 4. Timber Decking and. A WF Deck Girder Details 1 of 4 (PDF 91KB) A WF Deck Girder Details 2 of 4 (PDF 88KB) A WF Deck Girder Details 3 of 4 (PDF 94KB) A WF Deck Girder Details 4 of 4 (PDF KB) A WF Deck Girder End Diaphragm Details (PDF KB). Throughout this manual, the term “girder line” is used in a generic sense to mean any longitudinal line; i.e., a line running the length of the structure which intersects each bent line. Thus outside edge of deck, gutter line, back tangent, layout line (LOL) and profile line are all examples of girder lines.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. 2, IV of LWR Manual. (6) Precautions for arresting Creep - Track on girder bridges with unballasted deck is always laid with rail free fastenings in all cases. May Additional guidance is provided for modeling prestressed and post-tensioned concrete girder bridges, fatigue and mechanical connections in steel.