Digitrip optimizer manual

Quick Reference Guide. (1) Two-pole breaker supplied in three-pole frame. Current carrying parts omitted from center pole. (2) Two-pole circuit breaker or two outside poles of three-pole circuit breaker. (3) Time constant is 3 milliseconds minimum at 10 kA and 8 milliseconds minimum at 22 kA. (4) Current limiting. Cutler-Hammer Digitrip RMS and Digitrip OPTIM Trip Units with Types DSII and DSLII Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers The OPTIMizer Hand Held Programmer plugs into the front of OPTIM or ' Trip Units to access, display manuals, referenced in . Electrical Manuals for electrical equipment Instructions for Operation and Maintenance of Digitrip OPTIM Trip Units. Category: OPTIM. Year File Size Mb. IB 29CB 0 reviews. INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATION OF OPTIMIZER HAND HELD PROGRAMMER (FOR USE WITH DIGITRIP OPTIM TRIP UNITS) Category: OPTIM. Year File Size .

This manual is written based on the assumption that. Digitrip or trip unit, an OPTIMizer or. will Cutler-Hammer be responsible to the purchaser or. Digitrip OPTIM Digitrip RMS and Digitrip OPTIM Trip Units installed in Types. Digitrip OPTIM OPTIMizer Hand Held Programmer. Digitrip trip units refers to both models unless otherwise stated. There are three possible styles under the DT (11LSI, 11LSIG, 11LSIA) and two styles under the DT i (11IEC and 11IEC-EF). The Digitrip trip units may be applied on both 50 and 60 Hz systems. Digitrip DT family of trip units have two microproces-sors in. OPTIM TRIP UNITS USE AN OPTIMIZER. AN APM CAN BE PLUGGED INTO THE OPTIMIZER AS THE POWER SOURCE IN LIEU OF THE SELF CON-TAINED BATTERY. TESTING OF DIGITRIP RMS. THE FOLLOWING LEG-END IS FOR REFERENCE: I n = rating plug value I s = sensor rating I g = ground fault current pickup (Table 1) I t = test kit trip current I n/s = I n / I s I pu = 5 (I.

Digitrip + Circuit Breaker Time/Current Curves (Phase Current) is programmed in primary value amperes via a Breaker Interface Module, or OPTIMizer. Digitrip OPTIMizer. The Digitrip OPTIMizer is a hand-held programmer that is used to access, configure, test and display information from OPTIM trip units. Notes: (1) By OPTIMizer/BIM. (2 Eaton's PowerNet kit. LESLSI Dimensions.


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